Effective measures to prevent unwanted hair on the face of women - GoodHealth

Effective measures to prevent unwanted hair on the face of women

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Effective measures to prevent unwanted hair on the face of women
Effective measures to prevent unwanted hair on the face of women 

Effective measures to prevent unwanted hair on the face of women 

             Facial hair and women could simply be a result of genes, but it could also be because of an underlying medical condition or possibly a reaction to some medication.

Due to these seven reasons, women have hair on their faces and how they can be stopped.

1. we will go through all seven conditions that could result in a woman growing facial hair or male associated hair patterns.

2. we will discuss measures you should take to cure or stop the hair from growing watch all steps so that you don't miss anything.


             Hirsutism is a hormonal condition where the female body tends to grow dark — coarse hair in places that are typically exclusive to males. Apart from the face, this includes the back and chest.

Other than unwanted hair pursuits, ISM brings about other male-related symptoms, including voice deepening, male- pattern baldness, breast reduction muscle growth, and other deformities.


Excessive weight to the point of obesity can affect androgen levels in the female body. 

This causes women to develop some male associated features, including facial hair; this was supported by a review conducted by researchers from Italy's.

Santoso Lamothe PG hospital, in their review, which covered 20 years' worth of published literature obesity, was closely linked with androgen levels in women.


          The levels of female hormones drop at menopause the ovaries tend to secrete estrogen it — progressively reduced amounts. At the same time, adrenal androgen's have been known to increase at the time of menopause.

This runs contrary to earlier beliefs but was proven by a study published by the obstetric same gynecology clinics of North American Journal in 2011, because of this rise in adrenal androgen's women tend to develop male associated features like coarse facial hair.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome

           Polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS is the most common underlying illness and women of childbearing age who develop uncharacteristic facial hair.

 According to a review published by the current opinion on endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity in 2009, PCOS is common in the complicated condition that involves the overproduction of androgens and women. 

 Apart from developing facial hair, women who have PCOS suffer from ovarian cysts and irregular menstruation.

Effective measures to prevent unwanted hair on the face of women
Effective measures to prevent unwanted hair on the face of women 

Adrenal gland disorders

          Some adrenal gland disorders like congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) causes females to develop white male features like facial hair.

 This is caused by the body's inability to produce enough cortisol, which leads to a hormonal imbalance. Cushing's syndrome is another adrenal gland condition that can cause facial hair and women; this disorder is caused by a body's overexposure to cortisol.


             Some medications have been known to affect the levels of androgen's and women; these include progesterone pills commonly used for birth control.

 Some steroids and antidepressants could also cause this how to get rid of unwanted facial hair getting rid of facial hair would depend on the cause severe hormonal disorders may require hormone therapy or medication. 

 It is always best to consult with a medical professional to take the necessary tasks and determine the underlying cause of your facial hair; in most cases, balancing the hormones in your body will eventually stop the healthy hair growth.

  There are also things you can do on your own to help bring your androgen levels to a normal range; these include the following herbal remedies. 

  • Neem seed oil -  In an animal study led by researchers from India's University of Rajasthan, neem seed oil was observed to have beneficial anti-angiogenic properties.

  • Spearmint herbal tea - In a study led by a researcher from the UK's Eastbourne District General Hospital. Spearmint herbal tea showed great potential and lowering anti-androgen levels in women suffering from PCOS.

  • Saw palmetto extract in a study published by the Iranian Journal of Dermatology in 2009.

The topical application of saw palmetto extract was observed to help women suffering from hirsutism. 

 To permanently get rid of your facial hair, you first need to understand what's causing it.

 Due to these seven reasons, hair grows on the face of women and how to stop it . should be able to help you understand what might have caused your facial hair growth.

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