These 10 miracle foods are helpful in reducing cancer. - GoodHealth

These 10 miracle foods are helpful in reducing cancer.

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These 10 foods can reduce the risk of cancer.
These 10 miracle foods are helpful in reducing cancer.

These 10 miracle foods are helpful in reducing cancer.

While modern medicine struggles to find a cure for cancer, multiple studies have shown that certain foods reduce the risk of cancer.

Some of these foods are so potent that they have also been proven to kill active cancer cells.

 The following are ten super-foods that prevent cancer. 

This article, supported by scientific studies around the world, provides medical reports that This is the ten fruits have proved very helpful in preventing cancer.

These are the ten fruits that have proved very helpful in preventing cancer.


          Several studies have shown that fiber-rich foods like beans help prevent colorectal and colon cancer.

A study funded by the National Cancer Institute's intramural research the program showed that tumor recurrence was much lower In individuals who consumed more cooked dry beans than those who didn't destroy them. At all, additionally, an animal study led by researchers at Michigan State University showed.

That black or navy beans were effective in preventing the development of cancer cells.


          The curcumin in turmeric has been proven to have antioxidant properties and have potent anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects, in fact.

 A study by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago the cur-cumin in turmeric caused a 40 percent improvement in individuals at risk of colon cancer, test-tube research done at the Seoul National University supports this as well.


         Berries are rich in antioxidants that aid in preventing cancer. In a study led by researchers at the University of Lancaster, bilberry extract was given to people who have colorectal cancer results, showed that the bilberry extract successfully inhibited cancer cell growth by 7 percent.

Several studies have also demonstrated the anti-cancer properties of raspberries. The study by researchers at Ohio State University proved that Riis dried black raspberries are effective in suppressing the progression of oral cancer.

 Freeze-dried black raspberries also have the potential to stifle tumor growth, as demonstrated by an animal study published by Cancer Research in 2001.


          A 17 study Sichuan University review showed that the risk of prostate cancer is lower in people who consume high quantities of tomatoes. This is true whether the plants are in the raw, cooked, or pureed form.

The results of a separate study by researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School supports this as well.

These 10 miracle foods are helpful in reducing cancer.
These 10 miracle foods are helpful in reducing cancer.


            Studies have shown that the sulfur a fine in broccoli could be incredibly useful in preventing cancer.

 A study led by researchers from the University of Michigan showed that sulforaphane could reduce the quantity in the size of breast cancer cells by approximately 75 percent.

The sulfur vein in broccoli could also help men with prostate cancer.

In an animal study done at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine sulforaphane helped in eliminating prostate cancer and reducing the number of tumors by over 50%, through a 35 study review researchers at the Shanghai Jiaotong University  School of Medicine was also able to prove that cruciferous vegetables like broccoli help in preventing colorectal and colon cancer .


          Through a study involving almost 20,000 participants researchers at Italy's IR CCS Institute of Neurological Mediterraneo were able to prove that increased nut consumption lowers the risk of cancer-related death.
 Additionally, Mayo Clinic researchers were also able to link regular use of nuts to a lower risk of endometrial and create in colorectal cancer.


          Researchers that Iran's Shaheen said Oh a University of Medical Sciences conducted a five study review and concluded that eating carrots could lower stomach cancer risk by approximately 26 %, at china's Jude young university researchers associated increased consumption of carrots with an eighteen percent drop in prostate cancer risk.

Additionally, a study published by the International Journal of Epidemiology showed, That smokers who didn't eat carrots were thrice as likely to develop lung cancer as those who had more than one serving of carrots weekly.


         Separate test-tube studies by researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have shown that the illicit in garlic is effective in killing cancer in garlic is effective in killing cancer cells.

In another study led by researchers in Sichuan University, those who eat large quantities of garlic in similar Allium vegetable onions leeks shallots, etc., were less likely to develop stomach cancer than those who consumed much less of the same vegetables.

Furthermore, the National Cancer Institute has linked the same Allium vegetables with a lower risk of prostate cancer.


             In a test tube study done by researchers at Korea's Gwangju University of Science and Technology.

Cinnamon extract was found to be effective in killing off cancer cells and inhibiting their development, in another test-tube study by fig wan medical university researchers.

Cinnamon essential oil proved to be effective in limiting the growth of cancers of the head and neck; the oil was also effective in shrinking tumors.


            Flax seeds are rich in healthy fats that support cardiovascular health. However, studies show that flax seeds are also able to aid in killing cancer cells.

In a University of Toronto study involving women with breast cancer, those who ate a flax-seed muffin every day experienced significant health improvements compared to those who didn't.

In another study at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, prostate cancer patients treated with flax seeds experienced suppression of growth and spread of their cancer cells.

While studies have shown the benefits of these ten super-foods that prevent cancer, there's still not enough data on how much to eat of each food and how often, nevertheless.

It could be safely assumed that regularly having these super-foods in moderate quantities will be beneficial not only in cancer prevention but in overall health and wellness.

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