Top 10 Diabetes Superfoods - GoodHealth

Top 10 Diabetes Superfoods

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Top 10 Diabetes Superfoods

 Top 10 Diabetes Superfoods

       Having diabetes is very difficult as it is, but what if you don't know that you have diabetes or no but, have difficulties controlling your blood sugar levels.

In this article we will share with you ten foods that you should eat regularly to control your blood sugar levels and even if you don't have diabetes, eating these foods regularly could help you prevent having diabetes.

The medical references given in this article to help you understand the scientific reasons why these foods could help with your diabetes when you have diabetes it's often difficult to make good food choices it isn't always apparent if something is right for you or might do you harm what's great is that there are things you can eat that is not just acceptable , but are beneficial to anyone trying to control their blood sugar levels among them ,  these top 10 foods that help control diabetes .

 1. Berry

          According to a study published by the annals of nutrition and metabolism. Berries helped lower blood sugar levels after meals because of their anthocyanin content. Anthocyanins are antioxidants that give berries their bright color. Raspberries and strawberries are especially rich in these antioxidants.

 2. Cinnamon 

           Cinnamon has long been linked with insulin control, and several studies have proven its efficacy. Among them is a study published by the Journal of diabetes research in 2015. In that study, cinnamon taken his tea was shown to lower blood sugar after meals.

 3. Fish

          The omega-3 content of most fish will lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, a common concern among diabetes patients. However, Coldwater fish, in particular, help reduce the risk of diabetes. This was proven in a study published by PLoS ONE in 2014 among the best options are Pollack cod and haddock.

4. Garlic 

         Garlic is generally good for your health, but a study published by diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity Journal shows that. It's especially beneficial to diabetes patients medicating with metformin. 

According to the results of the study, taking metformin with garlic significantly reduces both fasting and postprandial glucose levels compared to taking metformin alone. 

Top 10 Diabetes Superfoods

5. Legumes 

         In a randomized control trial published by Gemma internal medicine in 2012, Researchers found that legumes are especially helpful in controlling blood sugar levels among people with diabetes.

Additionally, a diet rich in lentils helps improve cardiovascular health. Among the best options are chickpeas lentils and beans.

6. Nuts 

        Like legumes, nuts contain lots of dietary fiber but are also rich in fatty acids, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and a variety of minerals in a study review published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Nuts were proven to help in lowering the risk for diabetes, and as well as heart disease and stroke among the best options are walnuts and almonds. 

7. Oatmeal

         Oatmeal is incredibly filling yet on its own, and it has a meager GI score, which means it's not likely for you to experience blood sugar spikes after eating it.

 Additionally, a study published by nutrients in 2015 shows that eating oatmeal helps diabetes patients control their glucose levels as well as their cholesterol profiles. Oat bran is a great option as well.

8. Sweet potatoes

         Sweet potatoes are just as filling as regular potatoes but have significantly lower GI scores, which means there was a better option for people with diabetes. 

According to a study published by the Journal of the new food in 2014, sweet potatoes have anti-diabetic properties. 

Additionally, they have medicinal values that offer anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits.

9. Whole wheat bread

          People with diabetes are generally discouraged from eating bread. However certain types like whole-wheat loaves and pumpernickel bread have shallow GI scores, additionally a study.

published by the review of diabetic studies shows that whole wheat has the potential to delay the development of type 2 diabetes.

10. Yogurt

            Yogurt generally has a low GI score additionally a study review published by BMC Medicine in 2014, shows that yogurt is effective in lowering the risk for type 2 diabetes . just make sure you walked for the plain unsweetened virgins.

since the flavored ones are typically riddled with sugar plain Greek yogurt, generally is the best choice these top.

Ten foods that help control diabetes can either rate in managing your blood sugar levels or address other complications that come with your condition.

The best thing about them is that they're all easy to buy relatively inexpensive and easy to incorporate into your diet remember that much of managing your diabetes is dependent on what you eat, so it helps to load up on these foods.

Top 10 Diabetes Superfoods

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