How to prevent acne and pimples with raw apple cider vinegar - GoodHealth

How to prevent acne and pimples with raw apple cider vinegar

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How to prevent acne and pimples with raw apple cider vinegar

How to prevent acne and pimples with raw apple cider vinegar 

           A lot of people, especially teenagers, suffer from stubborn pimples and other types of acne.

 These may develop because of various factors, such as  poor hygiene and diet, stress, and hormonal changes. 

 As these factors trigger the excessive secretion of oil, dirt, and impurities get trapped, pores get clogged, and bacteria thrive.

 As oil, dirt, and bacteria combined, acne grows all over the affected area. Although among the best methods to prevent acne or get rid of existing ones is to maintain proper hygiene.

 At all times and to watch the food that you eat, is another safe, effectively to step up your game in fighting off pimples and acne using apple cider vinegar. We have four different raw apple cider vinegar recipes for you throughout this article.

 We want to make sure that one of those will work for you no matter how bad or how hard you have tried to get rid of your acne and pimples in the past.

 Watch them all; your permanent solution may be in one of those.

 What makes apple cider vinegar useful for acne apple cider vinegar?

Apple Cider vinegar (ACV) has many uses, especially in the kitchen, but one of the lesser-known applications of ACV is that it can prevent and cure acne and pimples.

 Apple cider vinegar is a natural astringent that dries out pimples and natural antiseptic that cleanses into lemonades bacteria and prevents infection in the area where it is applied.

 It is a natural detoxifier that frees the skin from harmful toxins that contribute to the growth of acne.

 Furthermore, it can also naturally balance the pH levels of the skin and regulate oil production.

Because of the natural properties of because of the natural features of apple cider vinegar, it is a beneficial home remedy for preventing and eliminating acne.

Different ways of using apple cider vinegar for acne 

There are various ways on how you can use apple cider vinegar for your acne :

Direct application:-

 Apply apple cider vinegar on the areas of your face with   acne by using a cotton ball.

Let it dry.

After several minutes rinse it off with clean water for pat dry  your face.

Do this process daily. 

For better results, you can also add aloe vera gel or tea tree oil to the apple cider vinegar. Moreover, for those with sensitive skin, it is highly recommended to dilute the apple cider vinegar with water.

 Apple cider vinegar toner:-

 Dilute the apple cider vinegar by combining 1 part ACV.
 Parts water to pour the solution into a spray bottle. 

 Spray the diluted apple cider vinegar on the areas on your face with acne.

 Leave it to dry completely for approximately 15 minutes.
 Rinse it off with water.

 Do this regularly.

 For practical storage to add a cooling effect, you can place   the spray bottle with the ACV in the refrigerator.

 Steamed with apple cider vinegar:-

 Steaming can open up your pores and help you remove the   skin impurities more efficiently.

To use a CV for steaming, follow this procedure:-
  •  One boil water in a pot and remove from the flame.
  •  Pour two the three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into the water.
  •  Bend towards the pot of water with your head covered with a towel.
  •  Hold this position for about 5 minutes, allowing the steam to open up your pores.
  •  Splash on some cold water and dry your face with a clean towel.
  •  Repeat this method regularly.

How to prevent acne and pimples with raw apple cider vinegar

Drinking apple cider vinegar:-

       Another approach is by consuming apple cider vinegar to flush out the toxins that can contribute to the growth of acne on your face.

Here's how you can use apple cider vinegar by ingestion.

Combine two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one glass of water.

Stir thoroughly and then drink.

To improve the taste, you can also include a teaspoon of honey.

 Using apple cider vinegar with other natural ingredients:-

   Apple cider vinegar can also be used with other natural ingredients.

For example, two tablespoons of ACV can be mixed with 2 to 3 tablespoons of baking soda to create a facial mask that can exfoliate the skin, balance the skin's pH level and get rid of bacteria.

It can also be combined with the juice extracted from onion or garlic and then applied with the use of a cotton ball for a special antibacterial effect.

 Final thoughts:-

     Although there are a lot of commercial products that you can purchase to prevent acne, natural remedies are sometimes more effective. 

Furthermore, it can also be cheaper and safer to use, with this, the next time you think about going to the store to buy commercial skincare products that may contain harsh chemicals, consider checking your kitchen for apple cider vinegar and follow the methods shared here thank you. 

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