5 cause You Might Be Suffering from Acne and prevent - GoodHealth

5 cause You Might Be Suffering from Acne and prevent

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5 cause You Might Be Suffering from Acne and prevent 

5 cause You Might Be Suffering from Acne and prevent it 

       In today's article, you will learn about adult acne and why some adults especially women have acne The five most common causes of adult acne and what you can do to treat or prevent adult acne based on the type of acne you're suffering from.

Before we get started, to make sure you in adolescence acne can be a source of incredible insecurity, but it's even more so for adults because it's something you're expected to outgrow.

Many people never outgrow their predisposition for acne while some only start to develop it when they're older, the reasons are varied and differ between individuals.

Here were five causes of adult acne and how to prevent it.

1.  Hormones

        Acne is common during puberty because it is at this time that their hormone levels fluctuate and cause them to generate more sebum.

It's the same for many adults, in fact, it is common for women to suffer from acne when they are pregnant or go through menopause men get them as well when their androgen levels increase and stimulate their sebaceous glands, for others an underlying medical condition could cause hormonal changes that cause breakouts.

2. To treat acne caused by hormonal imbalance or fluctuation 

        You'll have to address the underlying condition once you do you'll find that your skin will soon clear up as well hormonal acne is better treated with prescription medication.

So talk to your doctor if you don't depend on homemade remedies for this type of acne.

3.  Stress

        In a study published by clinical. Cosmetic and investigational dermatology in 2017 researchers found that there is a positive correlation between stress and acne breakouts not only distress caused the development of acne, but the severity of stress directly corresponds to the severity of the breakout as well.

While it might not always be possible to remove the cause of stress, there are ways for you to improve the way you manage, it also makes a conscious effort to avoid junk and sugary foods, which are the most common cravings during stressful situations.

The best way to prevent acne caused by stress is to manage your stress and watch what you eat three skin products when you're susceptible to acne you'll want to select the products that you apply in your skin that would improve the condition of your skin some products.

However, it might contain ingredients that you are sensitive to while some aren't friendly to acne-prone skin to prevent acne caused by skincare products make sure you use only those that are guaranteed to be known as acnegenic and noncomedogenic.

In general, you'll also want to avoid oil-based products and those that have ingredients that could clog, your pores make sure you check the label for everything you use especially your cleanser moisturizer in sunscreen.

4.  Medication

       Some medications have been known to cause acne breakouts birth control, for example, can cause changes in hormones and can, therefore, lead to the development of acne.

however, many other medications can lead to flare-ups as well if you're taking any medication in suspect that it might be causing your breakouts to ask your doctor if acne is a possible side effect, if it is you can ask for alternatives or if no suitable substitutes are available to consult with a dermatologist for ways to manage your dermatologist for ways to manage your skin condition.
5 cause You Might Be Suffering from Acne and prevent
5 cause You Might Be Suffering from Acne and prevent 

5.   Family history

          If others in your family suffer from acne that makes you predisposed for it as well, your genes could be the cause of your adult acne, and unfortunately, that's not something you can alter when genetics is to blame for your adult acne.

The best you can do is figure out ways to manage it properly consult with a dermatologist for the best ways to treat it also select your skin care products carefully and eat a healthy and well-balanced diet.

By learning the five causes of adult acne and how to prevent it, you'll know exactly how to deal with your condition keep in mind that the most important thing to do is determine.

The cause once you've successfully done, that you'll be able to find the solution that will work for you in most cases, it won't require medication or treatment, but changes in your lifestyle thank you for.

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