Healthy dinner recipe for weight loss and muscle gain. - GoodHealth

Healthy dinner recipe for weight loss and muscle gain.

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Healthy dinner recipe for weight loss and muscle gain.

Good dinner recipe for weight loss and muscle gain.

Fast eating well is a huge part of losing weight, and it's not always about limiting your portions if you fill your diet with smart food choices you have better. 

Possibility to successfully help you with your weight loss goals.

Here are some of the most intelligent food choices, along with ten healthy food recipes to lose weight fast.

Learn about foods first, then learn recipes and how to cook them properly to achieve your weight loss goals.

1- eggs 

            In a study published by the Journal of the American College of nutrition in 2005, researchers observed the effect of egg consumption versus bagels.

         Among overweight the end obese women, the researchers found that participants who ate eggs for breakfast felt for than those who ate bagels; furthermore, the egg-eating group ate less than the bagel eating crew. Still, they stayed full for longer, but more importantly, those who ate egg consumed fewer calories.

 Recommended recipe 

Ingredients - 2 eggs scrambled, one small onion, diced, one medium size Tomato diced, 1 tbsp olive oil.


  •  In a frying pan. Heat olive oil.

  •  add onions to saute add the tomatoes into Void stirring until the vegetables have softened a little.

  •  pour the scrambled eggs over the onions and tomatoes.

  •  remove from pan when the egg is thoroughly cooked.

2- Leafy 

            Greens leafy greens are not only incredibly nutritious, but they also add bulk to your meals. By eating mostly greens, it's easy to feel full without consuming too many calories. 

In a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2007, researchers proved that increasing vegetable intake effectively helps control hunger and AIDS and weight management.

Recommended recipe

 Ingredients- 1 bunch spinach leaves, six cloves, garlic minced, 1 tbsp olive oil salt and pepper to taste.

 Procedure - 

  • In a frying pan. Heat olive.

  •  add minced garlic and saute until golden add spinach leaves in sprinkle salt and pepper

  •  cook until wilted 

3- Fatty fish

          In a study published by the Journal of Clinical Investigation in 2011, researchers linked inflammation with metabolic disease and obesity in an earlier study published by nutrition reviews in 2010. 

         The omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish were observed to have anti-inflammatory effects that mean the consumption of foods rich in omega-3 helps in maintaining proper weight.

Recommended recipe

 Ingredients -1 salmon filet, 1/4 TSP dried rosemary, ¼ TSP dried thyme salt and pepper to taste.


  •  Sprinkle rosemary thyme salt and pepper to coat both sides of the salmon fillet. 

  •  Place in the steamer and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until fish flakes with a fork.

  •  Enjoy with a side of sliced avocado.

Healthy dinner recipe for weight loss and muscle gain.

4- Chicken breasts

            In 2011 obesity published a study that showed the effects of protein consumption to
the appetites of overweight or obese men.

 They found that by increasing consumption to account for 25% of total daily calories, the participants experienced a reduction of food cravings by 60% and minimized late-night snacking by 50 %.

Those who were made to consume more protein also lost weight by an average of one pound per week.

Recommended recipe

 Ingredients - 1 chicken breast fillet pounded flat, one tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp olive oil, salt, and pepper to taste.

 Procedure -

  •  Marinate chicken in soy sauce overnight 

  • The next day heats the olive oil in a frying pan.

  •  Place the chicken breast in the pan and pour the lemon juice over it.

  •  Sprinkle a pinch of salt and a dash of pepper.

  •  After 4 minutes, turn the chicken over to cook the other side.

  •  Season this side with salt and pepper.

  • Once the chicken is thoroughly cooked.        
    Enjoy on a bed of salad greens.

Healthy dinner recipe for weight loss and muscle gain.

5- Potatoes

             Potatoes have gotten a bad reputation because they are mistakenly believed to be full of fattening carbohydrates.

          The truth is that potatoes could be a
a valuable addition to any weight loss diet according to a study published by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1995.

            Potatoes are among the foods that can help you feel fuller and keep you from eating more of other foods.

Recommended recipe 

Ingredients - 1 pound potatoes quartered, one tablespoon salt, half-pot water for boiling, 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar, one tablespoon olive oil pepper for seasoning chopped chives for garnishing.

Procedure -

  •  In the pot of water.

  • Add the salt and vinegar.

  •  Add potatoes and boil.

  • Keep the potatoes boiling until tender about 12 minutes.

  • Drain the potatoes and transfer to a baking pan.

  • Drizzle the potatoes with oil and pepper and bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 425 degrees.

  • Garnish with chives and add more salt to taste.

Healthy dinner recipe for weight loss and muscle gain.

6- Thin soup 

             According to a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1999. You can feel fuller for longer and consequently consume fewer overall calories by simply adding water to your food and eating. It as a soup in the study. Just drinking water with meals was not as sufficient.

 Recommended recipe 

Ingredients - 4 cups chicken stock, one medium onion diced, one stalk celery chopped, one small carrot peeled and cut half a cabbage, chopped 1 TSP dried thyme, 1/4 TSP salt black pepper to taste.

 Procedure -

  •  In a pot, saute onion and celery.

  •  Add carrots and saute until slightly tender. 

  •  pour in chicken stock and bring to a boil.

  •  Add cabbage and stir to make sure all leaves are immersed in the water.

  •  Sprinkle thyme salt and pepper.

  •  The soup is ready once the cabbage wilts slightly.

7- Dairy

            In 2004 obesity research published a study that demonstrated the effect of calcium and dairy in the weight loss efforts of obese adults.

 They found that increasing dairy consumption plays a significant role in weight and fat loss.

Recommended recipe

 Ingredients - 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, one teaspoon honey, one tablespoon dried cranberries, one tablespoon slivered almonds.

 Procedure -

  • Combined Greek yogurt, honey. And cranberries.

  •  Place in the refrigerator for at least an hour to pump up the cranberries and infuse some flavor into the yogurt top with slivered almonds and enjoy.

 8 -Apple cider vinegar
               Some studies have proven the efficacy of apple cider vinegar in weight loss. As well as fat loss in one study published by bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry in 2009.

 Researchers observed the effects of vinegar intake to obese participants. After the 12 weeks, participants who consumed up to 30 milliliters of vinegar per day lost between 2.6 to three-point seven pounds.

 Recommended recipe

 Ingredients - 1 punch mixed salad greens, two tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp honey, one teaspoon olive oil, one pinch salt, one dash pepper.

 Procedure -

  •  In a bowl, combine apple cider vinegar, honey, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

  •  Stir or whisk until thoroughly combined to make a dressing.

  •  Pour your preferred amount of dressing over your salad greens and toss.

Healthy dinner recipe for weight loss and muscle gain.

9 - Nuts
           In a study published by the Journal of the American College of nutrition in 2011. Researchers found that individuals who consumed nuts regularly were leaner and healthier overall than those who didn't consume nuts at all.

 Among the best nuts to include in a weight loss diet are walnuts and almonds.

Recommended recipe

 Ingredients - 1 cup whole almonds, two teaspoons olive oil, one teaspoon chili powder, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin, 1/4 TSP ground coriander, one dash cinnamon powder, one dash black pepper.

 Procedure -

  •  Combine olive oil, chili powder salt, cumin-coriander, cinnamon, and black pepper In a medium-sized bowl.

  •  Add the almonds and toss until evenly coated.

  •  Pour into a baking pan that's large enough that the almonds are on a single layer.

  •  Bake for 8 minutes at 350 degrees F.

  •  Cool completely and enjoy one handful per serving.

10 - Whole grains 

               Whole grains like oats and barley are rich in beta-glucans, which have been proven to aid in balancing glucose and losing weight.

 In a study published by molecular nutrition and food research in 2009, oats were proven to increase feelings of fullness and improve overall metabolic health. 

Recommended recipe

 Ingredients - 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1/2 cup whole milk, 1 tbsp dried blueberries.

 Procedure -

  •  Combine all ingredients in a sealable container.

  •  Place the lid and shake well to combine.

  •  Keep the container in the refrigerator overnight.

  •  Enjoy when the oats have soaked up the milk, and the blueberries have infused some flavor into the liquid as well.

These ten healthy food recipes to lose weight fast are filled with intelligent food choices that are backed by research. Plus, the recommended methods are made of simple ingredients and are easy to prepare; they should be easy enough to include in your diet so that you can achieve your weight loss in no time.

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