Simple yoga postures to get success in meditation - GoodHealth

Simple yoga postures to get success in meditation

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Simple yoga postures to get success in meditation
Simple yoga postures to get success in meditation

Simple yoga postures to get success in meditation

If we are to lead a rich life full of celebration present moment awareness and bring lots of joy into it then we have to make meditation.

A part of life and today we are going to do postures in which we meditate all right and we're going to do these postures slowly showing you step by step.

Which Asana is more difficult or easier to sit in Yogi's have created a series of asanas for meditation quite right, in fact, all the 84 lakh postures.

That we do it's unbelievable but they all meant so that you can sit in any one of just these 4 meditative postures.

Simple yoga postures to get success in meditation


So we're going to start with the first posture Vajrasana.In Vajrasana, the leg is folded backward. The spine is kept straight.

You have to sit with your hands like this there is also a very specific posture of the hand along with the asana itself.

So your hands are supposed to be like this in Vajrasana supposed to be like, this in Vajrasana your back automatically becomes completely straight your spine and

You have to sit straight and keep your eyes gently closed so that's one of the postures.

If you have pain in your knees or if you have problems in your ankle then this posture wouldn't be so comfortable.

Simple yoga postures to get success in meditation


Let's move to the next posture which is called sidhasana and you keep one leg take it all the way back here and then place the other one here it's called Sidhasana.

Your hands are like this, so this is how you place your fingers and again close your eyes and perfect stillness will be there, so why is it that you always have to close your eyes.

When you meditate that's a very good question mean besides the obvious factor that there are distractions.

What happens is your eyes give out an enormous amount of energy.

So what happens is when you don't close them that energy keeps dissipating and what a meditator does is basically he concentrates all the energy into his system.

Instead of leaking outright, it all comes back inside you so you even all come back inside you so you even close your eyes and you withdraw your senses like a turtle.

You close up everything when you go inward with the energy and then there's a whole world inside - it's and as we learn that even the mudra is creating the pranic circuit.

So that your energy does not dissipate very clear just completing it by shutting down all areas where it could escape from. quite right so that's.

Simple yoga postures to get success in meditation


Now let's come to the famous asan which you see everyone doing all the saints are depicted in this posture.

Which is the Padmasan, it's called the king of all postures because it totally cuts the blood circulation towards their legs.

So like I said your entire energy is gathered upward-moving upward in the top part of your body then how do you keep your hands.

And again obviously like this the chin, but there are also people who keep their hands like this both are fine they activate different parts of your brain right.

So you just have to sit like this Padmasan. so one would think that when you sit in meditation you're sitting silent.

And you're shutting yourself out from the whole world, but it's interesting that really what is happening is that you're becoming more aware right.

Yes, in fact, the whole practice of meditation or sitting in a posture and everything is not so that you retreat.

And stay removed from life and do something strange and weird because that's what people think it's not a misconception.

Yes, it's very important to connect your meditation to your daily life no matter what you are doing.

If you can increase your awareness. while sitting then you will find that in your day permeates. throughout whatever you're doing, for example, you could be having a sip of tea in the morning.

And that's your meditation because you're so aware of everything how it's happening how the temperature of the tea is what is the flavor.

So your sense is also being heightened yeah, in fact, the more you sit in silence the more your senses develop and become so purified.

So what you receive through your senses becomes very delightful in fact it's a different world it's something everyone should experiment and try.

What is meditation:- 

It can never be answered such a mystery, yeah but it's worth sitting down just for five minutes and actually, you should sit for at least twenty five minutes.

If you can yeah so I think most people can't even sit still for five minutes yeah so start with sitting for about 10 minutes increase it gradually 15 minutes.

Simple yoga postures to get success in meditation


Now let me leave you with a very simple posture if all these postures are too complicated for you then there is one more posture left over.

Which is just the simple cross-legged posture which is called sukhasana. right because it literally means that it's joyful because it's not painful all right, but each posture will have a certain point of time.

When you start going towards meditation. so it will take a little longer in sukhasana it's very quick with Padmasan and so on and so for, Padmasan is one of the best postures to sit in.

So you have to bring all this awareness of your body the sounds the sense everything into your daily life that is the whole meaning of meditation.

So meeting a friend can be a meditation, writing a book can be a meditation, even sitting at your computer.

And getting new ideas across could be meditation, everything in life is nothing but meditation you just have to recognize that.

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