What do you think about meditation? What it is not meditation? - GoodHealth

What do you think about meditation? What it is not meditation?

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What do you think about meditation? What it is not meditation?
What do you think about meditation? What it is not meditation?

What do you think about meditation? What it is not meditation?

What is meditation and what should we expect in meditation or how should we define meditation:-

First, let me say what is not a meditation, then we'll come to what is meditation. closing your eyes and sitting for a long time is not meditation:-

Doing pranayama meaning inhalation and exhalation is not meditation and I know worldwide people are paying lots of money to learn meditation and the name of meditation.

They are taught some breathing techniques now these New Age gurus are giving new names to their programs and courses.

I won't take names because that will define them which I don't wish to do, pranayama is not meditation sitting down and doing your mantra is not meditation.

Again I know of certain gurus who used to take hundreds of dollars to give a mantra and not only this, then they also say that after a period of time.

You have to get your mantra recharged, so then they will have recharging payments done again.

The spiritualism is loaded with businessmen and businesswomen, who sell God or who sell the idea of God who sell meditation or who sell the idea of meditation.

People are not aware of the truth hence whatever is served; they just take it. They just lap it up and then they are made to believe that what they know or what they have heard or what they have learnt is the greatest thing ever happened to humanity.

So they have this obnoxious, superiority, complexes that, I followed this school or that guru and they're very happy in their petty lives living this balloonist idea that they know great things.

So doing mantra with your closed eyes with a rosary beat or without or rosary beat is also not a meditation.

Doing the asana is not a meditation, being in lotus posture and sitting for three hours well it is still not meditation or hanging upside down from a branch of a tree it's still not a meditation.

Closing your eyes and never opening it up for weeks or days or months is also not meditation. 

Then now become what is when it is meditation:-

Meditation is the fruit of a process which you would follow. Meditation is not a technique. Another New Age guru was teaching now people claim his followers claim.

That he gave hundreds of meditation techniques, his books used to sell like hotcakes at one time, but the truth is this all the techniques.

Which were taught by him were the techniques coming from just one book, only one book and that book is a  'classic Shiite scripture' in which Parvati wife of Shiva is asking the questions and she's seeking the path of meditation.

And shiva is answering and this conversation was witnessed by one of the disciples of Shiva, whose name was Bhairav.

So that person who wrote it down well Shiva had many disciples, it's not just his wife who would live with him there were many disciples.

Who lived with him who were learning from him the intricacies of the yogic arts. So Bhairav wrote on and that book is called 'Vigyan Bhairav Tantra'.

So there are more than 300 techniques in that and I believe, I am very sure that no meditation in this universe before or after Earth.

Today whatever is being taught is actually being sourced or borrowed from that book and yet people are so egoistic.

That they don't wish to give the credit to Shiva but they wish to take the credit to themselves meditation is not a technique which you can learn and do.

Meditation is a result of a process. Which you follow for a certain period of time not it will depend.

Individual to individual for some it will be very long for others it would be little you know in short duration.

They might get to that point like have you ever smelt the when the halwa is being cooked.

You know when the semolina is being cooked the smell it's coming okay that smell is so strong that even.

If somebody in your neighborhood is cooking halwa you will know oh what a beautiful fragrance now.

If you wish to path that fragrance and sell now I know, I have lots of Gujarati sitting here you might get an idea but you cannot have that smell until.

That the semolina is fried in that clarified butter the ghee. So it's the ghee the suji the semolina when it is being cooked then this fragrance is smart.

So I would say meditation is a fragrance of specific process what you do, you cannot order on phone to a restaurant please send me two packs of 'halwa ki khushbu'.

You know the smell of the halwa can you please send me you know two portions of that well that's not possible.

 You'll have to either cook it yourself or go to a place where the halwa is being made right so meditation is like that fragrance.

Which emits when you do certain Sadhna now when I say the specific sadhana honest now in this pranayama.

Will certain mantra, will come in asana, will come in prayer, will come in singing, might happen in the kitten that too can happen in just being in love too guru and God.

That too can come in so there are miscellaneous there are hundreds and thousands of things.

Which you can do which can ultimately lead you to a particular stage which can be called meditation.

Pranayama alone is not meditation but pranayama can lead you to reflection. mantra is not meditation, but mantra can lead you to thinking sitting quietly and observing the breath is not meditation.

But if you do this then it might lead you to meditation. Let's say presently what is a stage of your mind, it's always thinking right it's still thinking.

Either thinking about the past or is thinking about the future is thinking about some present circumstances.

Like it's too hot or too cold or body is aching, hunger is there or thirst is there but the mind is always thinking the only time.

When the mind is not thinking is the deep sleep in Sanskrit, we call susupti. Susupti means hidden suspt asti.

Where the mind goes into hiding where does it goes into hiding in darkness in unconsciousness that is the only time.

When your mind is not thinking otherwise your account is always thinking now what is meditation.

Meditation is when the mind stops thinking but consciousness is not going into the veil of darkness or behind. this unconsciousness meaning mind has stopped thinking but the consciousness is totally up like what you have in this stage 

The mind waking state see let me just put this in the bracket for you. there are three-stage through which your consciousness moves in:-

■.  jagrit. Meaning the wakeful stage.

■  Dream Swapna.

■  Suspti deep sleep so your consciousness is moving in just in three-stage

Right your mind is just moving in this three-stage you don't know about the fourth there is a fourth state - but for now, you don't know what that is and that fourth stage is called Toria.

To the other Toria means transcending all the three, but for now, it is jagrit Swapna source of the waking stage dream stage and the deep sleep right.

Your mind is always thinking in the waking stage and is still thinking in the dream stage, but not thinking in deep sleep, but in deep sleep.

You are not aware of it that it is not thinking when deep sleep happens, there is no thinking happening hence there is no realization that - stop thinking.

What you have is an experience of deep relaxation and when you get out of this deep sleep, you feel so good you feel so energized.

You feel so perky, you feel so relaxed, just imagine if for many many nights there is no deep sleep and there are only dreams and dream and little sleep and more dreams.

When you will wake up after too many dreams and no deep sleep, you will be actually more tired. You will be more exhausted somebody was saying to me they met me in the morning.

I said how are you he said -exhausted I said why he said I kept running all night from Mumbai to Delhi, Delhi to Mumbai, Mumbai to Delhi.

I was on train whole night. I was in journeying all night. I was holding a meeting this is what he does as a profession holding meetings travelling all the time so in the night in his dreams.

He is travelling, and now he says that my body is very exhausted. This means the relaxation comes to you only then when there are no dreams but more sleep. More deep sleep, fewer dreams.

You will get up in the morning her body will be so fresh and so kind and those who have too many dreams at night.

When they will wake up, the possibility is their blood pressure too would be rising and they might have a very rapid heartbeat also.

What is meditation:- 

1. when your mind is not hankering for any sensual pleasures 

2 .when your mind stops thinking about past events.

3 . when your mind stops thinking about the future.

4 . your mind is not getting agitated with the anger, anxiety any complex.

When your mind is actually thoughtless meaning no thought and your account is as still as a lake in a cold place.

Where the lake surface water is kind of in a free smooth like in Toronto, the great Ontario lake freezes and then people ski on that there you must-have in your travels seen a lake.

When there is no wind and is totally still and it's an even that it seems to be that though the surface has turned into a Mises and the mountains.

And the trees are getting reflected in that crystal clear crystal. So the mind. When it becomes ripple-free, thought-free, memory-free, emotion-free, feelings free and is still, but consciousness is totally sharp.

As it is now at the moment in this wakeful stage in deep sleep, you have experience of very very calm happiness.

It is happiness but it is again ripple-free happiness, so it's very calm happiness.

◆  When you eat something good, your mind is happy.

◆  When you see something good, your mind is happy.

◆  When you smell something good, your mind is happy.

◆  When you wear something good, your mind is happy.

When you hear something good, your mind is happy now let's take away hearing, seeing touching, smelling and eating but take the best of all meaning.

There is no sensory interaction with the objective world, but yet there is happiness. See happiness is not a correct word because joy is like one face of the coin, and the other is sadness.

They always travel together so sadness and happiness. So it's not appropriate, and that is why I like to use the right word, and that would be param Anand Parham means the greatest and the island is when the happiness is unconditional.

So when there is unconditional happiness coming from within this experience is meditation there is nothing over there nothing over there see in English the word is nothing.

So if we divide it into two parts, then it will be nothing 'nothing' nothing means nothing so if I would like to say meditation is nothing no items there's nothing but 'Parmanand'.

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