Know what are the symptoms of coronavirus? - GoodHealth

Know what are the symptoms of coronavirus?

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Know what are the symptoms of coronavirus?
Know what are the symptoms of coronavirus?

Know what are the symptoms of coronavirus?

In today's time, many questions are arising in people's minds about the coronavirus.

The COVID 19 infection:-

So this is going to be a critical Article. So that this question is answered at least from the information that we have right now, and most of my answers on this topic is going to be.

Based on a couple of the Chinese research that has been done and they've had hundreds of thousands of patients infected with this, so that's why they have all the data now I'm going to talk.

How is the coronavirus different from the flu virus and what are the signs and symptoms.:-

That you should be looking out for when does it happen we wanted to start and when can you expect that it will be potentially finished and then.

I'm going to talk about quarantine and in a scenario where quarantine may not be active.

So that is going to be relatively significant and something to keep at the back of our minds now so this could be a meaningful discussion, so do share this information with other people Because this is more important information.

We get out there the more reliable information we get out there. I think it's best for everybody in the situation that the whole world is currently facing.

So symptoms and onset when does it influenced okay so one is exposed and then after about two nine days, and it varies to the person to person that's what this virus is so bad in two to nine days your symptoms may start if you get exposure.

If you're going to get asymptomatic, there's a median of five days, so two to nine days.

You could start developing symptoms from the second day, or it could take up to the ninth day now. This is important because it has been shown that people who do not have symptoms can also transmit the virus.

So it just makes things much more complicated dealing with this virus now when you do start to develop symptoms.

What are they you will have to divide this into the first week and the second week so the coronavirus?

The covid19 gets to be more complicated; it's not like any other regular virus that we have seen there are pre-eminently available primarily seen all over the world.

So the first week you have aches you have pains my Algiers that's what they're called muscle pains that's what it's what it was it's called cough low-grade fever.

So this is in the first week of your symptoms, so again you have malaise, meaning weakness, tiredness.

You don't feel like doing anything at all my Algiers that I that's muscle aches and muscle pains that you do have with the regular flu.

As well you have low-grade fevers and cough. Of course, this is the first week now the second week of illness, and this is averaged out to be on the eighth day.

After your symptoms start that you may develop dyspnoea or shorts of breath.

Okay, so now comes the scary part when the coronavirus the covit19 travels to your lungs and starts to infect your lungs, and the average day for the onset of pneumonia or pneumonitis is nine days.

So the Covid19 virus, what does it do, how does it hurt and kill individuals is when it does develop that viral pneumonia.

That people are concerned about, and the pneumonitis which means inflammation of the lungs, so now how is this different from the influence that the flu virus.

The flu virus hits you pretty hard and hits you suddenly it hits you quickly. It brings all of these two things together immediately.

After exposure and it gives you high spiking fevers in most situations, but as we see that the coronavirus, the covit19 presents much differently it after exposure.

It could take about two to nine days for it to start affecting you, and when it has begun to change you, it may start to slow the first week, given you champagnes low-grade fever feeling of tightness and liturgy.

And then in the second week of your illness, you may start to develop the surance of breath now one question that people always ask is should we be taking antibiotics.

If you suspect or you're at home with the coronavirus covid19, should you be taking antibiotics actually with the coronavirus?

Bacterial infections have found to be very rare, unlike the influenza virus. In this flu virus, you can develop bacterial infections on top of your flu virus, but with a corona, the covid19 illness.

You do not need antibiotics, at least not without the guidance of a clinician now, another aspect with the coronavirus.

The COVID 19 is that it sheds its RNA this is an RNA virus.:-

So living organisms have something called DNA and an RNA, so the Covid19 is an RNA virus, and components of this RNA have been picked up.

In individuals from one to four weeks, even after the symptoms have resolved. Currently, there was a German study done that suggested that after a week or so after your symptoms have resolved.

This is not infectious you're not contagious you cannot pass this on to anybody else any longer.

However, these are all preliminary investigations, and I would recommend that anybody who did get infected with the coronavirus and they are cured now.

There they don't have symptoms anymore that they refrain from extensive social activities and remain within your bounds who know that this RNA that continues to shed one to four weeks. 

Even after the resolution of symptoms may still be ineffective, so be careful with that now the next question is what to do to ask your questions.

If you need to for yourself or your family members well, if at all possible at home, if you're getting sick, then make sure you're able to travel appropriately without infecting.

Anybody else has a mask on wash your hands try to keep it as safe as possible for other people, and of course, different modalities for testing are going to be coming into the limelight in South Korea.

I believe there was a kiosk that people could drive up to I'm not sure that is happening in the rest of the world at least not here in u.s. Currently, but anyways the other option is you can always use telemedicine. 

I use modern technology, and one of the platforms that I have been involved with is my live doctors.

The spread of this disease however in rare cases
one out of a hundred instances, the patient may be infective, or patients may develop symptoms even.

After the quarantine period, that's one in a hundred cases, so like I previously said, there's not matter.

If you think you are cured or you've had the disease, and you're doing well now, make sure this whole season until this pandemic has been thoroughly squashed.

Or it's over with making sure you maintain through this whole season a couple of months we are, of course, unsure how long this may last that make sure that you maintain proper hand hygiene.

If you have any symptoms, please wear a mask try to limit travel as much as possible in that situation anyway.

So I want to go over the signs the symptoms of the coronavirus and as we just talked that the coronavirus after being first exposed to the coronavirus.

It takes about two to nine days, depending on the person, and it varies from person to symptoms, and the symptoms have a particular pattern that is in the first week.

You have malaise lethargy muscle aches coughs and low-grade fever then down the line in the second week you start to develop pneumonia and pneumonitis, and there have been even reporting that the illnesses may also last up to around 12 days as well hopefully.

You recover and do not have to go to vice you or develop any complications, so fingers crossed anyway it was good to talk to you with.

This wants to share this bit of information, so you have a better idea of these this situation anyways thank you so much.

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