How can we remove naturally eye glasses in 4 easy steps? - GoodHealth

How can we remove naturally eye glasses in 4 easy steps?

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How can we remove naturally eye glasses in 4 easy steps?

Today in this article. I'm going to share with you the five simple tips, which can help you in improving the eyesight.


 Or if you follow these things, these are healthy for the eyes. So you will not have an eye issue for all of your life, if you will follow these steps. 


Very simple steps, these will include some of the exercises some of the Herbes that you can use, which are very, very effective, even if a person is varying specs, do these things. 


And within a few months, you can feel the effect. So let's move forward and try to understand why it's happening. The number of people wearing the spectacles, it's increasing very fast nowadays, 


1.Focusing on things far away:-


why it's happening it is we all know you also know this, it's all because of our phone, the video that you're watching right now it's on your phone, all of the day, we are checking over all the social sides, 


Everything is on the phone, see what's happening, just understand you are always seeing the near objects. So you just do with me right now.


 When you see the near objects, what happens, you will feel that your eyes are contracting a bit. Right now what you do is this look far on the roof, just look on the roof a little bit far, what's happening. 


Now your eyes are expanding. What's happening nowadays is we are always looking nearby, either in the office either to work either at home deliveries and all the things we are focusing on the nearby stuff. 


That's why it's always concentration, it's always the contraction of these muscles. And these are causing the problem in the kids also. 


So what should be done, very simple. You want to improve your eyesight, you should the first exercise that you should do is just look far, far at a big object. means for example you are walking just have a look on the sky. 


And you will feel that now Your eyes are much relaxed. They are not intention. They are just relaxed. This is an exercise simple stuff, but it's very, very effective. 


Just look far, that's the only thing what you have to do do it every single day, I will say you can do it. After 40 minutes, 50 minutes or a one hour interval just have a few seconds or you can say 30 seconds just look the objects for if you're in the office just haven't get and just look for. 


That's all. That's all that's enough for your eyes to relax. This is my first recommendation that will help you. 


2.Wash your eyes correctly:-


Second thing that is very important to do is washing your eyes.


 Now how to wash our eyes. Yes, with the cold water in the morning, the best thing to be done, but it will be more effective. If you will put the water in your mouth by holding the water in your mouth will help. Let's do it together right now.


 Just blow the air in your mouth. Right We have done this. Now just blow the air and feel your eyes, they are more open. Like this, if I lose the air there again, relaxed, more wide open.


 So if you will hold the water in your mouth, it will help to expand your eyes and it will be easier for you to clean your eyes. So this is the best thing to be done. 


Do this as much as time you can do means three to four times in a day you can do it, it will be very beneficial, especially in the morning, this has to be done.


3.Eye exercise:-


 The third and the most important exercise is just saying add your finger.


 Just take your finger and just look at it first. Put it far there, extend your hand, just look at one particular point at your finger. And then bring it near to you just concentrate on that.


 And then just look on the other side or any of the side not on your finger. Just look for a few seconds and then again. And then just again. Same. You have to do this every single day. 


See these days it seems like it's very complicated all the stuff that can help. But really, these are very simple stuff. And they really help if you don't want to wear specs. 


You don't want to use the glasses, lenses. You can do these exercises and these will help you this thing you have to do bit faster, like you're saying, then move. 


And then there's looking on the other side. Again. Do it two times in a day. 30 seconds in the morning. 30 seconds in the evening. That's enough. 


Don't have to do a lot these things will also help you. Now the last exercise that I would like you to do we want good eyesight, it is that when you are in the office you are working after 40 minutes to 15 minutes have and gap.


You can put an alarm clock so that it reminds you because staring at any of the thing, it's either your notebook, either it's your any copy or any of the book, it will give strain to the eyes, so a gap is needed.


So what will happen is this alarm clock will ring and it will give you a reminder, what you have to do is just close your eyes very tightly, just blink your eyes and just close them and just close them very tightly, as much as you can. 


And then slowly slowly release it and open your eyes. This what you're doing is you are moving the blood to this area also when the blood will be moved to this area, then that contains with it, lots of vitamins, minerals, oxygen, so these are all things will be supplied to your eyes, it's like the food to your eyes. 


What happens is when we are saying on a laptop or any of our notebook or reading anything, we forget to blink our eyes. And this creates a big stain to our eyes. 


So what will happen is this kind of exercise, it will make the lymph circulation, the blood circulation proper in this area, and these things will help you. 


4.Use ayurvedic herbs & medicine:-


Now let's come to the herbal point what Herbes to be used in a way that the holistic medical science the best herb to be used is Triphala. It's my all time favorite.


 Either the formula also and yes, it's good for the eyes also, even there is an oil name as "Triphala ghrit"read this you can eat also, and you can use to oil your eyes. 


Also, what do you have to do, you can eat one teaspoon to one tablespoon at night before sleeping, just do it, drink it, even drink it with warm water, the oil should be this "Triphala ghrit".should be in the liquid form, drink it drink the water form or hot water after it. 


And after 40 to 50 minutes you can sleep. So just eating "Triphala ghrit" also does a good effect on your eyes. Plus, it will clean your body. It's another effect it's good for your skin. Also, it's another more benefits. 


See this is the beauty of alternative treatment that with one use, you don't get the another side effects. But you get more better effects means that regular grip can help you with eyes with hair with your skin. 


Plus digestive system. So these other plates that you will get from that. And what else can be done with this trip logs right? once in a week or two times in a week, what you can do is take the small cups, 


 These are called eye wash cups.  These are used in yoga practices.  By the way, this eye wash cup is easily available everywhere.


 So eye these cups, now, just warm a bit this Triphala ghrit so that it becomes liquid, or them in these cups and just put it on your I put it on your one eye, it should be clean I and just open and close your eyes in this "grita" or this oil.


 It's not harmful, it's not going to create any problem. If you had any kinds of pathologic, then it's better to concern to any doctor which is near to you so that he can give you an would consultation that what's going the pathologic what's going inside your eye.


 If it's just an eyesight issue, you don't have any pathology, then the "Triphala ghrit" doing this with the "Triphala ghrit" it's going to help you a lot. How long to do you can do it 5 to 7 minutes, if you can do it for 10 minutes. 


Also better but minimum five to 7 minutes do it just you can lay down and just put it on your eye. Open your eye, close your eyes, move your eyes, on the right side, left side up down rotations, clockwise rotations anti clockwise. 


These things are the exercises for the eye with this "Triphala ghrit". It will be very good for eyebrows, eyelashes, all this stuff also do a 2 to 3 times in a week. It's also very effective.


 What do you have to do is after this procedure, just take a cotton ball and just remove this oil from your eye and then relax. You don't have to go to the sun after this procedure. 


Remain in the indoor better to do it in the evening so that you don't go out or at night. Either a day when you have a rest. Do it be at home. Don't go if you have to go Go after 45 minutes. So this way do it. These things will help. 

These things are much better than any kinds of operations or any kinds of chemical use all the herbal stuff, why not to give it a try. Plus they have lots of more benefits.

 As I have two dates for digestion, for eyebrows or eyelashes, these things are very, very effective. So do them. You are beautiful. You will be more beautiful. Stay happy. Stay healthy.

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