4 Bad Morning Habits that stops you from loosing weight - GoodHealth

4 Bad Morning Habits that stops you from loosing weight

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Hi, I am Rajni. And in this article, I'll be sharing with you the four bad morning habits, that hinders the process of weight loss. 


These are very interesting, many of us do this, and I will explain you how they hinder the weight loss or how they can cause weight gain. 


1.Waking up in the morning reading newspapers and watching mobiles:-


So in this, the first habit that gives the bad effect on our body, especially for the weight loss, it is reading the news in the morning. 


As we wake up, many of us have a habit of checking our phones, what does happen, who has sent what takes what's happening in the world, what happens, this gives a feel of fear or irritation means you read something you didn't like something some event has happened in the world, which you have read and you are not feeling comfortable. 


So what happens is, it gives like a fear or irritation feeling. And this, the body fees feels like it can lead to death or something like this. 


So it goes in the mechanism of the survival. And what happens is when this mechanism is activated, our body starts storing the fat,


Because fat is needed to survive, that's when body starts accumulating a bit of fat. And this will hinder the process of weight loss. 


So that's why if you want to lose the weight, it's better not to read the news in the morning. 


It's better to read it in any other parts of the day, but not in the morning, it's for sure because you have slept, you are relaxed. Now again, as you will go for this, it's a shock, and then it will create the problems, there is the first bad habit.


2.Eating sweets:-


The second habit that influence the weight loss, it is if you eat the sweets, in the lunch, or in the dinner. actually eating sweets is not good if you want to lose the weight, but specially in the lunch and dinner, it will give more effect.


There has been the studies in the universities of Israel that has said that a person who eats a muffin or a cookie in the morning tend to have less fat accumulation, then, in comparison to the person who eats in the daytime or in the night.


 I don't say to eat lots of sweet in the morning. But if you can't control and you want, then you can go for it in the morning means in the breakfast, not in the lunch and dinner. 


But we all are humans, sometimes we break the rules and we want to eat or there are other situations because of stress or something we want to eat sweet. And that time what to do. 


What you can do is don't save your sweet after to eat after the food, it's better to eat in that starting this is what I have.


 It also says that you should eat the sweet The first thing when you start eating the food. 


Why because if you eat the sweet, you just do it the next time when you will eat this aid, the sweet whatever the sweets that you want to eat after the food aged list starting, you will see that the quantity of the food that you eat every day has been reduced up to half.


But if you eat it at the last, anyhow, it's sweet. So we will anyhow put it inside our body. So this is what causes the weight gain.


 So the best thing is to remove but if you want, you can control it in the morning. And if any day you have to eat it at night, then go for the sweets in the start. 


But if any day you have to eat it in the day or at the night, go at the starting of the meal, eat it in the starting of the meal not in that last.


 So this is the second habit that affects the weight loss. 


3.Do not drink water on an empty stomach in the morning:-


The third habit it is if you are not drinking water in the morning, empty stomach.


I have lots of article explaining this, that the saliva it has the enzymes in it if you will drink it, it will go all inside and it will help us in their digestion also, it's a kind of a detoxification it helps us in the metabolism also. 


So doing this will give a boost to your metabolism and this will help you in the weight loss also, but if we will not do this, then it can cause the problems. 


It can cause the bad digestion, bad metabolism and this can cause the weight gain even many other diseases also, that's why it's better to drink water. empty stomach in the morning.


It can be lemon water, it can be with apple cider vinegar, whatever you want, but drink water in the morning.


4.Eating breakfast and food on time:-


The last thing that I would like to discuss with you it is if you don't eat your breakfast, if you are not eating your breakfast or you don't want many people say that I don't want to eat my breakfast in the morning. Why it is it is because you haven't eaten at time at night. 


This is the first reason you have eaten late at night. That's why I don't want to eat in the morning, either. 


It's your metabolism is not good the food that you have eaten at night, it is still inside your body, and your body is not able to get frayed out of it. That's why you don't want to eat again.


 So if it is happening, you should correct it, you should work on it. You should eat at time in the evening means six to 7pm in the evening, 


So that at eight in the morning you are hungry if it's not so work on your gastrointestinal tract use Herbes use the food that helps in the cleaning of the whole intestine and the food that is rich in the fibers in these food.


Then you will see that in the morning you will have the clearance of the bowel. And plus you will feel hunger especially after taking the bath in the morning. 


It's very important to take the bath in the morning. After taking the bath you will feel that you have the hunger. So do these things don't have these habits. These are not good. 


This will hinder your weight loss and plus not only the weight loss plus all over general health these things will affect so that's why I removed these things. You are living healthy, stay happy. Stay healthy.


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