How does hunja tea benefit our body? - GoodHealth

How does hunja tea benefit our body?

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In this article, I am sharing the recipe proposal of a very beneficial Ayurvedic tea, which, if you include it in your routine, will boost your immunity, and it also has anti-aging benefits.

What is Hunza Tea:-

This is the Hunza tea concert Tea was taken by Hunza tribe. It is believed that they had a very long life and they were very helpful.

So in this article, I will share the recipe of Hunza tea.  I will also share the benefits of this tea as it is very beneficial. It is very beneficial in many diseases like diabetes, Arthritis, blood pressure.

Hunja tea ingredients:-

 The ingredients that you need to make this unique cinnamon stick you can use cinnamon stick or cinnamon. 

The next ingredient is basil leaves, you need few basil leaves, then you need few mint leaves, these are mid leaves. After that you would also need few cards. Then you need ginger. 

All these ingredients are readily available at our home and then you also need jaggery and lemon to me. This tea has made me test anti inflammatory properties and it is very beneficial for digestion of food. 

It has basically all those it helps in boosting immunity, it lowers your blood pressure and also helps in digestion of basil leaves also are very beneficial in respiratory ailments.

 It helps in reducing the blood sugar. It has cinnamon, cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants. It has anti inflammatory properties and it also helps in losing weight. 

Cardamom is also an antioxidant, and then it has ginger. Ginger helps in reducing the blood sugar levels has anti inflammatory properties.

 It also has jagged jaggery is also rich with antioxidants and is very good for health. So all the ingredients used in this tea are very very beneficial. 


To make this tea, you can take two cups of water. Now here I'm using a bigger cup so I am just adding one cup of water but if you're using regular sized cup then you should be taking two cups of water. 

Once the water starts boiling, then we'll add the ingredients. First time adding seven eight men Now I'm adding lists only when the water is hot. 

After that I'm adding seven to eight basic leaves on duty. After adding mint and basic leaves I am adding cinnamon sticks you can add cinnamon powder if you do not have cinnamon stick after adding cinnamon stick I'm adding ginger.

 If you want you can crush the ginger and add it I prefer adding it just after removing the skin you should try and get organic ingredients as organic ingredients are really beneficial. 

After that I have added Foley then I have added jaggery to this tea. Once you have added all the ingredients you need to boil this tea for 10 minutes,

 you should boil it at high flame for five minutes and for five minutes you should boil it at medium you can stir the tea occasionally. 

Now that it has boiled for 10 minutes, then I am going to remove the vessel and take this day in a cup. And now I will be adding the final ingredient of this tea which is lemon. 

I add juice of half a lemon to my teeth. If you prefer less you can add a little less or a little more depending on your choice. So now that my tea is ready, I'm going to enjoy it in the morning.

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