Top 10 staple foods for natural treatment of diabetes. - GoodHealth

Top 10 staple foods for natural treatment of diabetes.

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So when you eat the right foods, you can keep your sugar levels in check while keeping you full and satisfied throughout the day as well. 

So I will tell you 10 foods and superfoods in this article And if you do this right, you might lower your diabetes as well and come out some of your pills as well. So take notes as needed.

1. Fatty Fish:-

This and fatty fish is a healthy addition to any diet fatty fish contains important omega three fats called EPA as well as DHT.

And certain fish are a great resource of mono unsaturated fatty acids, as well as poly unsaturated fatty acids such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, hearing trout. 

So if you look over here, this is what you're getting, you're getting a lot of omega threes and a good natural set of omega three. 

So this is especially important. Now instead of having fried fish, which contains saturated and trans fat, people should try big fish, roasted or grilled fish. 

And if you mix this up with some vegetables, you have a fairly healthy meal choice, not going to move forward. 

2. Beans:-

The next item on your list, the next one is going to be the Beans. Beans are an excellent food option for people with diabetes.

They are a source of plant based protein, and they can satisfy appetite while helping people reduce their carbohydrate intake as well.

Now the important thing to notice is the beans also have a low glycemic index. And they are better in terms of sugar regulation in the body. So if you have a look at this. 

So this is a chart of a glycemic scale glycaemic index of a particular food. So you don't want after you eat, let's say you eat over here.

And this is the rise in your blood sugar level, you really don't want it to rise and peak this much. You want it to be as low as possible.

The food items that have a high rise in their glycemic index or a high rise in the glucose levels have a high glycemic index, and you want to eat the foods that have a low that lie around right about over here. 

So these are definitely important in this aspect because they are actually complex carbohydrates. So the body digests them slowly, then it does other forms of carbohydrates. 

And you have vile, you have a extensive range of beans that people can actually choose from kidney beans, pinto beans, black beans, these beans also contain some important nutrients such as iron, potassium, and magnesium.

Now, one thing to keep in mind is that when you're using canned beans, make sure you choose an option with no added salt.

If you have salt, then that really does not help out you should have natural sources of salt but no added salt is a good deal. 

Otherwise, drain and rinse the beans and remove any added salt. Now green leafy vegetables are packed full of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. 

They also have the minimal impact off onto blood sugar levels. 

3. Spinach & kale:-

Now, leafy greens including spinach and kale are a key plant based source of potassium as well. 

And potassium also helps in lowering blood pressure. They also vitamin A in the house of calcium. 

So where do all the cows get their calcium cows must get the calcium from someplace right? They get from plants, all right, they don't need to take supplements, they get all the calcium they need. 

They also provide protein and fiber and a lot of times vegetarians can live decently well on on plants. green leafy vegetables are helpful in people with diabetes due to their antioxidant content.

Now plants come in different shapes and sizes, you have spinach, you have kale. Now this graph actually depicts the blood glucose spiking with just wheat bread.

Now, if you add plants to your wheat bread, even green leafy vegetables, if you're adding to your bread, then your glycemic index can go down. And this is of course, excellent for the body. 

Now, there was another study done that if you take kale juice, for example, it helps regular blood sugars and improve your blood pressure as well. 

And also helps out because a lot of people with diabetes also have high blood pressure problems.

So this is definitely an added benefit. Now, I'm going to be moving on to the next food group.

4. Whole grains:-

And this is going to be whole grains. Now you have to keep in mind there's a huge difference between the whole grains and just the grains.

Take the easiest example This is rice, this is rice, this is the brown rice. But most of us are used to taking an eating white refined rice. We don't want to be doing that.

Why don't we want to be doing that because if you have a look at this chart over here, this is a grain, a whole grain All right. This whole grain consists of different particles. 

One is the inside is the endosperm and the journey And then the brawn, not the brawn and the germ is where you have most of your nutrients.

If you're only having the endosperm, then you're basically having a lot of carbohydrate portion.

With a low glycemic index. Basically, you're only having, let's say, white rice or white bread, that's not good. 

You need to hold the bread or brown rice, okay, if you look over here, endosperm, the carb count is pretty high in the endosperm, the protein count comes down, your brawn and your germ have much more protein than your endosperm than healthy fats and respond doesn't have any than fiber endosperm is very low on healthy fiber Island, the endosperm is fairly low in your iron, so this is definitely not good. 

So again, whole wheat whole grains are lower on the glycemic index than white breads and rice. This means that they have less of an impact on your blood sugar levels. 

Good examples I've already mentioned a few is brown rice, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, buckwheat, quinoa, millet, arrived. 

So these things are everywhere, just ask for it and you will find it now combined with intermittent fasting which is a mode of eating that I promote heavily promote, 

you can check out my other articles for intermittent fasting as well. 

This type of eating will give you the right amount of carbohydrates and energy and you will lose weight and control the diabetes as well.


glycemic index


5. Walnuts:-

Now I'm going to move forwards and this is going to be now walnuts. Now nuts especially walnuts are an excellent addition to any diet as well. Like fish nuts contain healthy fats, they keep the heart healthy as well. 

Walnuts especially have a high amount of omega three fatty acids, such as alpha lipoic acid and other omega three acids for a heart healthy diet association between walnut consumption and diabetes risk.

So we go over here, both individuals with known diabetes and those diagnosed based on elevated diabetes blood markers, the prevalence of individuals with diabetes was significantly lower among walnut consumers.

Basically, the prevalence of individuals with diabetes was significantly lower among walnut consumers. 

So people who ate walnuts are less likely to be diabetics. Additionally, valance also provide key nutrients such as protein, vitamin B, sex, magnesium and iron as well. So people can add a handful of almonds to their breakfast or their salad anytime of the day. 

6. Berries:-

Number six is going to be berries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, they contain high levels of antioxidants and fiber they also contain other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, Vitamin K, manganese, potassium, and I only talked about potassium as something like the lower your blood pressure as well.

They don't have a such a high glycemic index. So these are good sources of fruits as well. 

People can add fresh berries to their breakfast, eat as a handful as a snack or use frozen berries in their smoothies as well instead of sweets and junk food.

7 .Citrus Fruits:-

Now moving forward is going to be citrus fruits. Number seven studies have shown that citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, or have antidiabetic effect.

 Now combining the juice in the fruit with the fiber with the fruit does not hurt your glycemic index.

Eating citrus foods is a great way to get vitamins and minerals from fruit without all the nasty plain carbohydrates.

Now some researchers believe that citrus fruits have bioflavonoids that have possible anti diabetic effects. And superfoods are a great source of course vitamin C, folate as well as potassium. 

8. Sweet Potatoes:-

Now moving forward. Next number eight is going to be sweet potatoes sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index than white potatoes. 

And this makes them a great alternative for people with diabetes as the release sugar more slowly and do not raise sugar levels as much. Now have a look at this sweet potatoes. 

They also look nice, sweet potatoes also are a great source of fiber, vitamin A vitamin C, potassium as well.

9. Yogurt:-

Now number nine is going to be yogurt and I especially like Greek yogurt. Now yogurt contains probiotics that are helpful bacteria that live in the human gut in improved digestion and overall health.

And some research from 2011 suggests that eating probiotic yogurt could improve cholesterol levels as well in people with diabetes type two, this could help lower the risk of heart disease.

People who choose natural yogurt such as Greek yogurt, but no added sugar.

That is the best option for us. Now there was a study that was talking about probiotics sugar consumption caused a 4.5% decrease in total cholesterol and a 7.5% decrease in the LDL c compared to the control group.

 So this is exciting just by eating yogurt and having a healthy diet in general can help out like this so it's gonna be the last one.

10. Chia Seeds:-

This is going to be the chia seeds. This is definitely not the least, because people often call chia seeds as a superfood due to their high antioxidant and omega three content. They're also a good source of plant based protein and fiber.

There was a small study in randomized controlled trial this happened 2017 and people who were overweight and had diabetes, type two, they lost more weight after six months when they included chia seeds in their diet compared to those who did not. 

Now this is exciting news because you can hardly find randomized, double blind trials of this nature. 

So this is exciting because supplementation of chia may be a promising addition to conventional therapy in the treatment of obesity in diabetes. 

So does researchers therefore believe that she has these can be helpful in people to manage their diabetes? So guys hoping you benefit from this article and you are still here till the end, then please do consider liking and let me know in the comments below. 

And do share with your family and friends and you can live healthy, happily and longer by doing the right things. Thank you so much, guys. Thank you so much.


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